Friday, February 8, 2013

It has been awhile 2/10/2013

It has been awhile since I have blogged, so I guess I should start with the obvious.
17 turned 18 and with that became chaos, a loss of sense of direction, lies, stealing, drugs, etc. etc.  I kicked him and his girlfriend out on December 23rd, on December 28th they came and got their stuff from my home after a major dispute and I have not spoken to them since.  I have not seen the grandbaby in 2 months, and honestly it has been less chaotic, less drama and less negative.  I believe by my other children, I made the right decision.

16 and 12 are doing well, I have had to crack down with rules and such, so they are both grounded, however their attitudes have been improving everyday.  I am very proud of the progress they have made since 18 and his gf have been out of the picture.

8 is doing well, he is making good grades, has good behavior and his dad and I are getting along better than we ever have for his sake...

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