Friday, February 8, 2013

The relationship (continued- 02/10/2013)

Things got bad, then they got better, then they got worse and now that is kind of where they sit.  He and I are barely on communicating standards, much less anything else.  I have been getting physical with him and have lashed out at him on several occassions now.  I can't seem to help it, because my emotions are so out of whack.  I try so hard to make him happy and it does not seem like anything ever will.  I am losing myself in the process of trying to find him and that scares me.

I love this man with everything I am.  I want to spend the rest of my life with him, I could not imagine being with anyone but him, but I'm scared.  I scared of how things are going to turn out if we don't get a handle on it really soon.  But we are both so stubborn and our pasts get the best of us a lot.

Last night he checked our phone records and swore I was talking to "some other guy", after I proved him wrong things just got weird like always, I am afraid that we are losing ourselves and that is such a scary place to be.  Especially when all I want to do is love him, and I want so desperately for him to love me the way that I want to be loved.  But I'm fearful that we are kicking a dead horse here, because I don't know that it will ever be that way.

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