Friday, June 1, 2012

New Happenings.......

Well a lot of new things have taken place since I last wrote here on this blog.....

I will touch base on many things, elaborate on some and try and fill in some details of significant things.

We will start with 17.

He GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL!!!!! He did it, and I am very proud of him!!!! He got a job where he gets very minimal hours, but he goes every time he is scheduled, he and his girlfriend are preparing for their child to be born in September and are making future plans to be successful parents......very pleased with this situation at the moment.

15- failed the 9th grade, has to attend summer school that he is not interested in going to either, tells me school is stupid, tells me I am stupid, as are his brothers and my boyfriend, and anything that he can label....has no drive or motivation to do anything that is not beneficial to him, just behaving badly all the way around.  But blames me for it.

11 is now 12 =)
He has been admitted to a Children's Mental Hospital for 5 days, has had his diagnosis' changed and is on a new medication, seems to be doing well, I will touch base on this in another post because it is kind of long.

8- Doing great, very happy - could not be more pleased with the situation.

My mom- Long term residential care facility that she started  May 29, 2012, it is a phasing program where she will learn daily living skills for 8-18 months, then move forward to transitional living for 8-18 months to prove that she can apply those skills, and then on to an apartment that will be staffed 24 hours, however she will have her own space again and maybe be able to succeed fully for the rest of her days.....She is mad at me, but we can only hope for the best, I personally do not care, she can hate me the rest of her long as she is fed, clothed, taken care of, clean, stable and has her medications properly administered to her, I could really care less how mad at me she least she is safe!!!

My relationship- we are doing amazing!!!! We have definitely had a few days where we were unsure how steady the road was going to be....but we have found our place, and we are happy in it!!!! I love him more every day!!!

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