Thursday, April 12, 2012

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you.

Things couldn't be better.  It is like a dropped all of my worries, my fears, my everything and just started to love, and being loved in return couldn't be better.

I love this man with everything I am.  I keep talking to him about possibly getting married when we are 50 years old.  lol.  

Last night I said to him:  Let's run away and get married in Las Vegas.  He said "when", baffled by his answer I said "July...................................2040", he said "well the world is supposed to end in December of THIS year", I was like oh...well July of this year then.......we just stopped the conversation, but at least I know he is thinking of this for the long run as well and that sets my mind at ease SO much!!!!

he undoubtedly has my heart and I am very able to say I am happily taken,and totally in love <3!!!!!

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