Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why I am my OWN support System

I received this message via facebook from my cousin this morning.
Please take note that the ONLY thing I post on my facebook is inspirational quotes and lyrics, and many many people have taken the time to tell me how much my postings have helped them through days when they have needed it.

You have Way too much emotional baggage.. You remind me of your crazy mom.. ill block u if u reply u fucking nut bag


Needless to say this caught me a little off guard this morning, but nevertheless if you refer to one of my past posts about extended family you can understand that these people know nothing about me, my life, my trials or tribulations, they know nothing of my challenges, or my triumphs, so in their eyes, they are the ones living the perfect cookie cutter lives and I am once again.....banished.

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