Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Extended Family.....forgotten.

I really don't know how I became such an overprotective mother.  I probably could not explain it if I wanted to.  Everyone who shares a bloodline with me is untraceable, completely able to forget who I am and unfortunately I gained that same trait, I don't much care where they are either.

So I have been banished, and after gathering my own assumptions here is why:

I lived with my abusive drunk father. We lived in a small town, he had a sister and some brothers, they had children, I grew up with these people, birthday parties, family Christmas' I mean we did get together pretty routinely while I was younger. 

I got pregnant at 13.

Now I may not be a rocket scientist, but I am guessing that the *Super Awesome, Way Cool* parenting I was receiving helped me to get pregnant at 13? My mom was not around, I lived with my dad, he had just kicked out his crazy abusive girlfriend of several years, he was never home, he would leave me money on the table and then be gone until all hours of the night.  So I came home from school, cleaned the house, fed myself, and would go to bed.  As I got a little older I would hang out with my friends, I would sneak out of the house late at night, I mean I would do whatever I wanted to do, because I had no one to ask.  My dad would rip me out of bed by my hair and drag me to the kitchen sink to wash the one fork that was in there, because I was an ungrateful brat, he would always make it a point to hit me in my head, so that my hair covered any potential bruising that he might to do me. New Years Day 1994 I told my dad "No" at my uncle's house (which was a block from my house) the house was full of my cousins and my uncle was there, and my dad came to me and punched me in the face so hard he made my nose bleed, it bled bad, and everyone just stood there, I remember the taste in my mouth and feeling like I was suffocating because I was choking on my own blood trying to keep from making a mess at my uncles house and on his furniture. Everyone just stood there and looked at me, like that type of thing was normal?  Like normal parents do that type of thing to their children......

So ok, I got pregnant at 13.  I must be BANISHED from the family because I am such a bad child.  Whatever- I can live with that, I don't need those people in my life anyway, and I surely do not want them in the lives of my children. 
Moving on to dear mothers side of the family- she had a mom, a step-dad, 2 brothers, both with children, however that side of the family is made up of pedophiles, and abusers, my mom made it clear as a child to stay away from them, and I have done the same thing by my children, and still I walk this line in my own life.  Sad to say.

So really??? I am the outcast?  If this is what I have to do to become the black sheep of my family then so be it.  I am a damn good mother, I work my ass off to take care of my children, hell yes I have made some mistakes, doesn't everyone?  But to have heard through the grapevine that I had fallen (when my kids and I were homeless) and to call me and want to gossip about "what happened" and why we were in that situation, and not think twice about offering a resolution (that I never would have taken you up on) or thought about it twice after that, and then to call me 6 months later and ask if I was still in the homeless shelter.....seriously?  6 months later.....HELL NO- In one year I completely turned our lives around ALONE, by MYSELF!!!!

Don't worry I will never ask you insignificant people for anything......but in return I would appreciate you not ever contacting me again.


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